Fix your shoulder posture with these excersises

Having good posture is very important for your daily life as it allows you to live a backpain free life, full of joy, sounds something you would want to have? Having a correct shoulder posture is one crucial step towards correcting your whole posture. Keep on reading and find out which excersises and daily stretches  you can do in order to fix your shoulder posture.

Good posture and Bad posture

Having bad posture

Bad shoulder posture can lead to severe back pain in the future, making it more important than you might think. Prolonged sitting at a computer or poor sitting habits can cause your shoulders to round forward instead of being pulled back, as shown in the correct posture picture. Additionally, gravity naturally pulls us downward, which can contribute to a tendency to have rounded and slumped shoulders.

Good shoulder posture

Having correct posture

As shown in the picture on the left, good posture involves pulling your shoulders back and slightly down, which emphasizes your chest and relieves pressure on your neck and back. This will significantly improve your overall posture and help prevent future back pain. Try the following exercises to improve your posture – your future self will thank you!

Walls slide excersise

Very easy and you can do this anywhere, you just need a wall. Stand next to the wall that is big enough so you can move your arms while you stretch them. Stand with your back towards it and put your back shoulders to the wall. You will notice how your chest is now stretched a bit, thats how it should feel. Then you put your arms up like illustrated bellow, again all the way towards the wall, make sure your elbows and wrists are touching the wall. Then finally just move your arms up and down without releasing the contact from the wall. Do this in 3 series of 10 to 15 repetitions for two weeks and I gurantee you will start to feel some slight shift in your posture.

Wall slides shoulder execrsise
Excersis for shoulder

Wall pushups

Another very easy excersise which requires only wall. Just stand face the wall, lean back a little bit, if you want it easy keep 1 step away from wal, if you want a bit harder make it two steps. The further you are the harder it is, make sure you go slowly in begining. Then you lean slowly forward with your hands and push yourself off the wall. Make sure your shoulder blades are leaned backed. Repeat this 10 to 15 times in series of 3. for having correct shoulder posture

If you are looking to increase your strenght overall check out my blog for calisthetics.

Wall pushups

Elevated elbow position

For this exercise, you’ll need a chair and a blanket or yoga mat for your knees. Kneel on the floor with the chair in front of you, positioned so you can comfortably reach it with your elbows. Lean forward and place your elbows on the chair, as shown in the picture below. Focus on pulling your shoulders back and maintaining this posture for about 10 seconds. You don’t need to clasp your hands together; just ensure your shoulders are engaged. Rest for a minute, then repeat the stretch.

Shoulder excersise


These three exercises have significantly improved my shoulder posture and helped prevent lower back pain. I encourage you to give them a try and see how they work for you. However, if you are experiencing severe back pain, please seek medical advice. These exercises are intended for stretching, relaxation, and improving mobility, aimed at reducing discomfort in your back and shoulders.

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