5 simple tips on how to get into shape

Most of the people would like to get in shape but its not easy. As any journey it starts with one step, and that is to just begin. Working out, running, cyckling or any activity in general can significantly improve your shape. Weather you want to lose weight , gain some muscles or just improve your stamina In this article we talk about how to get in shape and what are some key information you need to know to get you started.

How to get in shape

As previously mentioned, the most important thing is to just start. It can be any kind of physical activity, from going on daily walks to gym workout. Here are some key insights to help you get in shape:

  • Be more active. Start with any kind of activity, weather its walking or a 10 minute intense workout at home
  • Eat more home cooked food. Try to eat less processed food, this takes time but it will help you on your journey of getting into shape.
  • Invest in some small weights. Keep some small dumbells in your room where they are easily accessible. As you pass by them you will be reminded to pick them up eventually. 
  • Start with stretching and flexible excersises. Doing Yoga is a great way to make your body a bit more flexible which will build the foundation of your strenght.
  • Join running clubs. Running is another great way to get into shape, we have an article on how to get into running as well.


Before you do any of these do your own research and see what fits you best. Everyone is different there is no one size fits all here, as you progress along you will find what works best for you.

What are the benegits of getting into shape?

Have an attractive body

It’s natural to think that working out will lead to a better body, which in turn will boost your confidence. While this is true to an extent, relying solely on external validation can lead to disappointment. If you don’t receive the attention you hoped for, you might start losing confidence, potentially leading to body dysmorphia. Social media exacerbates this by fostering constant comparisons with others. Instead of focusing on appearance, make exercise a part of your routine for its own sake.

Improves mental health

Improving your health is a great reason to exercise. Regular physical activity, whether it’s walking, running, cycling, swimming, or going to the gym, will make you feel better over time. However, think of it like brushing your teeth: you do it because it’s a habit, not because you’re constantly thinking about the health benefits. Similarly, fitness should become a routine part of your life. Your mental health will drasticly increase as you hit your body with different stimulus.

Become stronger

Many people, especially men, want to get stronger to feel more capable and confident. While this can be a powerful motivator, it might not sustain a consistent workout routine. Life can be unpredictable, and during calm periods, the drive to work out for strength alone might diminish. Therefore, it’s better to embed exercise into your daily routine regardless of external motivations.

Attention from other people

This is probably stereothypical reason why most men get into fitness. As it does sound all good and great, you should do workouts for yourself not for the sake of others and to impress them. Needless to say, attractive body tends to attract attention, so this is positive or negative side effect of getting into shape. You take it how you want.

How to stay consistent?

Just Do It

The key to incorporating workouts into your routine is simple: just do it. Don’t overthink it, don’t plan it out excessively, don’t buy expensive training programs, and don’t hire personal trainers. Just like the Nike slogan says, “Just do it.” The most fundamental aspect of making workouts a routine is consistency. Aim to exercise every day if possible. Also, don’t rely on others to join you. While having a training partner can be helpful, it’s important to focus on training alone. Once you master this, you’ll be able to work out anywhere, anytime, without questioning whether you should.

Have a Reminder

Visual reminders can help you get started. Although I previously mentioned that you don’t need equipment, investing in a few items might help. For example, placing a yoga mat in a visible spot in your room can remind you to stretch. Keeping resistance bands in your backpack or near your desk can prompt you to do a quick warm-up. James Clear’s book, “Atomic Habits,” delves deeper into creating positive habits. While not necessary, it’s a worthwhile read if you’re interested in habit formation.

Friday Evening Workouts

Instead of going out partying on a Friday evening, try incorporating a workout. Do 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, and 30 crunches. It doesn’t matter what the workout is, just make it a habit. Perhaps go for a run or a long walk. People might suggest you relax and have fun because it’s Friday, but treat it like any other day. Try to work out on at least one Friday every two weeks. You can still go out afterward, but the goal is to normalize working out and make it a simple, enjoyable part of your routine.

Don’t Worry About What Others Say

As a beginner, it’s common to doubt yourself and lack confidence, especially in a gym setting. You might feel self-conscious about doing exercises incorrectly. That’s okay. Focus on yourself and tune out any external distractions. I would reccommend reading a great book on this topic by Mark Manson titled The Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck.

Have Fun and Relax

Most importantly, don’t take working out too seriously. Don’t set rigid goals. If you miss a workout, don’t let it bring you down. The point is to make exercise a regular, enjoyable part of your life. Treat it like brushing your teeth – something you do because it’s part of your routine, not because you’re chasing a specific outcome.


Getting in shape doesn’t need to be hard or difficult unless we make it that way. Best way to do hard things is to make them easy to do and the rest will follow. In a matter of months if one is consistent, the results will follow and you will see the ammount of benefits you will get.

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